Warning: mysql_query(): Unable to save result set in /home/html/tipujeme.sk/public_html/dbasefunctions.php on line 169
Unable to execute query: select username , plstandings.userid, (plstandings.points-prevmpts) AS points, (plstandings.won-plmonthlywinner.won) AS won,(plstandings.drawn-plmonthlywinner.draw) AS drawn,(plstandings.lost-plmonthlywinner.lost) AS lost,(plstandings.gfor-plmonthlywinner.gfor) AS gfor, (plstandings.gagainst-plmonthlywinner.gagainst) as gagainst , (plstandings.diff-plmonthlywinner.gdiff) AS gdiff from plstandings INNER JOIN plmonthlywinner on plstandings.userid = plmonthlywinner.userid AND plstandings.lid = plmonthlywinner.lid AND week = '40' AND month='24297' INNER JOIN pluserdata on plstandings.userid = pluserdata.userid WHERE plstandings.lid='0' AND week = 40 order by points desc,gdiff desc, gfor desc limit 0, 1500
BIGINT UNSIGNED value is out of range in '`2018_tipujeme`.`plstandings`.`won` - `2018_tipujeme`.`plmonthlywinner`.`won`'